Doing my best to love God and love people. Jesus is at the center of my life.

Asher Webber was born in NY State, grew up in Springfield, MO, and then completed his Master’s in Theology at Jimmy Swaggart Bible College and Seminary in Baton Rouge, LA. In 2010 he sensed a call into evangelism and began preaching in churches around the U.S. In 2012, he started ministering in other countries. In the last 5 years he has stepped foot in 17 different countries in Central America, South America, Europe, and Africa preaching and teaching the Gospel. Going to very diverse areas of the world, seeing God save souls, baptize in the Holy Spirit, and reveal faith and grace for sanctification. One of the most recent trips was to the country of Cuba where they were able to bring 4,000 study Bibles in for pastors and leaders. He’s believing God to see many more come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Asher Webber is the Lead Pastor of FAITH WORSHIP CENTER of Brighton, Michigan. Each week their services can be viewed through live stream: FAITH WORSHIP CENTER YOUTUBE CHANNEL

He also traveled as an evangelist around the U.S. and other countries including Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Cuba.